

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:27



英音 [pɑ:st] 美音 [pæst]


adj. 过去的,以前的;结束的;前任的;

n. 过去,过往;往事;[语]过去时;

prep. 超过,超出;远于;越过;

adv. 经过,超过;


  1. the time that has elapsed;

    "forget the past"

  2. a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret);

    "reporters dug into the candidate's past"

  3. a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past

  1. earlier than the present time; no longer current;

    "time past"
    "his youth is past"
    "this past Thursday"
    "the past year"

  2. of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office;

    "a retiring member of the board"

  1. so as to pass a given point;

    "every hour a train goes past"

bypast adj. 过去的;
pasta n. 面团(用以制意大利通心粉,细面条等),意大利面食;
paste n. 面团;糨糊;肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用);(制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃; vt. 粘贴,张贴;以…覆盖于;
pasteboard n. 纸板,<俚>纸牌; adj. 纸板做的,不坚实的;
pastedown n. (粘在封里的)环衬;衬页;
pastel n. 彩色粉笔,粉蜡笔;彩色粉笔画,蜡笔画;轻淡柔和的色彩; adj. 彩色粉笔画的;蜡笔画的;(色彩)淡的,柔和的;
paster n. 贴纸,粘贴的人;贴片;
pastern n. 胶;骨胶;
pasteurization n. 加热杀菌(法),巴斯德氏杀菌法;
pasteurize vt. 用巴氏灭菌法对(牛奶等)消毒(灭菌);
pasticcio n. 混成曲,模仿画;
pastiche n. 模仿作品;拼凑的艺术作品;集锦;模仿的艺术风格;
pasties n. (脱衣舞女等粘戴在乳头上的)乳头罩;肉馅饼( pasty的名词复数 );乳饰;
pastille n. (药的)锭剂;芳香重剂;含药(锭,片);粉蜡笔;
pastime n. 消遣,娱乐;
pastina n. (放在汤里的)碎面条;
pastis n. 法国茴香酒(一种烈性甜酒);
pastness n. 过时性;过去的状态;不复存在;
pastor n. 牧师; vt. 作…的牧师;
pastoral adj. 牧师的,主教的;牧人的;有关田园生活的;乡村的; n. 牧歌;田园诗;田园景色;牧师写给教区居民的公开信;
pastorale n. 田园曲,牧歌式歌剧;
pastorali n. 田园曲,牧歌式歌剧( pastorale的名词复数 );
pastoralism n. 田园主义,牧歌体;
pastoralize vt. 使田园化;使农牧化;把…作为田园式作品的题材(或主题);以田园体歌颂[英国英语亦作 pastoralise];
pastorate n. 牧师的职责,牧师的任期,牧师团;
pastorium n. (美国南部的)牧师宅邸;
pastrami n. 五香熏牛(肩)肉;浓味熏牛肉;
pastry n. 糕点;油酥糕点;油酥面团;油酥面皮;
pasturage n. 放牧;
pasture n. 牧草地,牧场;牲畜饲养,放牧; vt.& vi. 放牧; vi. 吃草;
pastureland n. 牧草地,牧场;
pasty n. 肉馅饼; adj. 苍白的;
repast n. 餐; vi. 设宴,就餐;

past tense n. 过去式;
past chairman 前主席;
past peradventure 无疑地,毫无问题地;
past hope 没有希望,不可挽救;无可救药;
past perfect n. (动词的)过去完成时;
past careing 不管,不关心,不理会;
march-past n. 分列式;
flash past 一闪而过;晃;
past due 过期;
brush past v. 擦过;掠面而过;掠;擦身而过;
past cure 不可救药;
Past. [医] 巴斯德氏菌属;
past poinling [医] 过指征,指误试验;
pointing past [医]过指,过示;
past muster [经] 及格,合格,符合要求;
past redress 无法补救的;
past weather 过去的天气;
past compare 无与伦比的,不可及的;
past menstrualperiod [医]前次月经;
past participle 过去分词;
past resistance [医]过去抗性;
