

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:27



英音 [tri:] 美音 [tri]


n. 树;木料;树状图;宗谱;

vt. 把…赶上树;使处于困境;把鞋型插入(鞋内);


  1. a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms

  2. a figure that branches from a single root;

    "genealogical tree"

  3. English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)

  1. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape

  2. plant with trees;

    "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"

  3. chase an animal up a tree;

    "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"
    "her dog likes to tree squirrels"

  4. stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

Braintree 布雷茵特里(美国马萨诸塞州东部一城镇,波士顿的住宅区及工业郊区。人口33, 836);
axletree n. (轮)轴,轴承;车轴;
crosstree 桅楼横木;
doubletree n. (用双马拉车等时使用的)双驾横木;
manteltree n. 壁炉过梁;
rooftree n. 栋梁,屋顶;
saddletree n. 鞍架,百合树;
shoetree n. 鞋楦;
singletree n. (用单匹马拉车时使用的)车前横木;
swingletree n. 马车前端的横木;
treehopper n. 角蝉;
treen adj. 全部木造的; n. 全部木造器具,小木器;
treenail n. 大木钉,木栓;
treetop n. 树稍;
trestletree n. 樯头纵材,匝桅木;
whiffletree n. 马车前端的横木;横杠;
whippletree n. 马车前端用以系曳绳的横木;横杠;

search tree 搜索树;
chocolate tree 巧克力树;
residual tree 保残木;
cotton tree 木棉;
nodding tree 倾斜树,下垂树;
tree derivation 树形图;
tree limit 树木限界;
bearing tree 成年树,结果树;
decision tree 决策图表,分层次决策;
tree measuration 测树学;
clothes tree n. 衣帽架,柱式衣帽架;衣架;
tree ipomoea 树牵牛;
discrimination tree [医]判别树;
inclusive tree 相容树;
tree support 失架;
tree analysis 故障树分析;
tree mouse 树鼠;
tree hair 树发属的一种;
gallows tree n. 绞架;
