

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:27



英音 [waɪz] 美音 [waɪz]


adj. 聪明的,有智慧的;博学的,博识的;明白的;像智者的;

vt. 使知道,使懂得;教导;指点;

vi. 了解,知道;


  1. a way of doing or being;

    "in no wise"
    "in this wise"

  2. United States Jewish leader (born in Hungary) (1874-1949)

  3. United States religious leader (born in Bohemia) who united reform Jewish organizations in the United States (1819-1900)

  1. having or prompted by wisdom or discernment;

    "a wise leader"
    "a wise and perceptive comment"

  2. marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters;

    "judicious use of one's money"
    "a wise decision"

  3. evidencing the possession of inside information

  4. improperly forward or bold;

    "don't be fresh with me"
    "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"
    "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"
    "Don't get wise with me!"

-wise 以…方式;朝…方向;
anticlockwise adv. 逆时针方向地; adj. 逆时针方向的;
anywise adv. 无论如何;
clockwise adj. 顺时针方向的;右旋的;正转的; adv. 顺时针方向转动地;右旋地;正转地;
coastwise adv. 沿着海岸,沿岸; adj. 近海的,沿岸的;
contrariwise adv. 反之,顽固地;
cornerwise adv. 角向前地,对角地;
counterclockwise adj. 逆时针方向的,自右向左的; adv. 逆时针方向地,自右向左地;
crabwise adv. 横斜地,小心地;
crosswise adj.& adv. 交叉的(地);
edgewise adv. 把刀口朝前地;沿边;
endwise adj. 末端朝前或向上的,向前的;纵向;
flatwise adv. 平放地;扁平地;平面朝前地;平面朝上(或朝下)地;
leastwise adv. <口>至少,无论如何;
lengthwise adv. 纵长地,纵向地;
likewise adv. 同样地;也,而且;
longwise adv. 纵长地;
manwise adv. 人一般地,像人一样地;
nowise adv. 毫不,决不;
otherwise adv. 否则;另外;别的方式; adj. 别的,另外的;不同的; conj. 否则,不然;
sidewise adj. 向一边的,横斜的;
slantwise adj. 倾斜的; adv. 倾斜地;
stepwise adj. 楼梯式的,逐步的;
streetwise n. 在现代化大城市的生存能力;
unwise adj. 不明智的,不聪明的;愚蠢的;欠考虑的;轻率的;
widthwise adv. 与宽同方向地,横向地; adj. 横向,横着;
wiseacre n. 自以为万事通的人;
wisecrack n. 俏皮话; v. 说俏皮话,俏皮地说;
wisenheimer n. <美><俚>自作聪明的人,自以为无所不知的人;
wisent n. 欧洲野牛;

crack wise v. 说俏皮话;
wise man n. 哲人,魔术师;智者;圣人;
bridle-wise 训练有素的;
wise porgy 灰裸顶鲷;
worldly-wise adj. 精于世故的;精通世故;
wise guy n. 自作聪明的人;
weather-wise adj. 善于预测天气的,善于预测舆论变化的; adv. 至于天气,就天气来说;
wise up v. 知道,了解,告诉;
penny-wise adj. 省小钱的,惜分文的;
wise woman 女巫,接生婆;
air-wise adj. 有航空经验的;
self-wise [医]自向的;
wise allachesthesia 异位感觉;
batch-wise 分批的;
filling-wise 纬向;
