英音 [ˈnʌθɪŋ] 美音 [ˈnʌθɪŋ]
pron. 没有东西;没有事情;无关紧要的东西;毫无趣味的事;
n. 无关紧要的人[事];零;无;
adv. 毫不;决不;
"it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"
"reduced to nil all the work we had done"
"we racked up a pathetic goose egg"
"it was all for naught"
"I didn't hear zilch about it"
"he looks nothing like his father"
nothingness n. 无;虚无;不存在;无生命;
for nothing 免费;无酬劳, 无结果;徒然;空;
nothing like 丝毫不像;绝对不;
nothing to 不是…所爱对象;缺乏真实性;没有困难;与…比起来算不了什么;
nothing but 只有, 只不过;无非;
nothing much 非常少;
almost nothing 几乎没有;
sweet nothing 好听的奉承话;甜言蜜语;
do-nothing n. 懒鬼,游手好闲的人,懒惰者; adj. 游手好闲的,无为的,懒惰的;
know-nothing n. 无知者,不可知论者; adj. 无知的,不可知论的;
Nothing venture and nothing have. st. 不入虎穴焉得虎子。;
nothing more than 仅仅,只不过;
Nothing pron. 没有东西;没有事情;无关紧要的东西;毫无趣味的事; n. 无关紧要的人[事];零;无; adv. 毫不;决不;
Do Nothing 无所作为;
no nothing (用在几个否定语之后)什么都没有(to);
seeing nothing [医]眼不见;
nothing loath 很愿意,很乐意;