

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:44



英音 [west] 美音 [wɛst]


n. 西,西部,西方;

adj. 在西方的;西部的;朝西的;(风)来自西面的;

adv. 向西,朝西;自西方;向西方;


  1. the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America

  2. the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees

  3. the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River

  4. the direction corresponding to the westward cardinal compass point

  5. British writer (born in Ireland) (1892-1983)

  6. United States film actress (1892-1980)

  7. English painter (born in America) who became the second president of the Royal Academy (1738-1820)

  8. a location in the western part of a country, region, or city

  1. situated in or facing or moving toward the west

  1. to, toward, or in the west;

    "we moved west to Arizona"
    "situated west of Boston"

Midwest 中西部;
northwest n. 西北,西北方向;西北部; adj. 在西北的;西北部的;向西北的;(风、光线)来自西北方的; adv. 自西北地;
southwest n. 西南,西南方,;西南部; adv. 向西南; adj. 西南的,西南部的;
westbound adj. 向西的,西行的;
wester n. (带来暴风雨的)西风;
westerly adj. 向西方的,在西方的;(风)从西边吹来的; adv. 向西;往西;在西; n. 西风;
western adj. 西方的;欧美的; n. 西部电影,西部小说;西方人;
westerner n. 西方人;西部地区的人;
westernize vt.& vi. (使)西化;
westernmost adj. 最西的;
westing n. 西距,西行;偏西;
westward adj. 向西的; n. 西部,西方; adv. 向西方;

West Germany n. 西德;
West Side n. (美国纽约)曼哈顿西区;
North-West n. 西北;
go west v. 死,上西天;身登清净;
west longitude 西经;
due west 向正西方;
Wild West n. 拓荒前之美国西部;
West End n. 伦敦西区;
West Bengal n. 孟加拉邦(印度邦名);
West Lothiam n. 西洛锡安(位于英国);
galley-west adv. 彻底地,混乱;
galley-west adv. 彻底地,混乱;
west-northwest n. 西北方的西面;
West German n. [经] 西德;
west lake 西湖;
West Pointer n. 西点军校的学生或毕业生,美国陆军军官学校学员或毕业生;
West Point 西点;
west of 在。。。以西;
go west v. 死,上西天;身登清净;
West African [经] 西非;
West's chisel 韦斯特骨凿;
West Bengal n. 孟加拉邦(印度邦名);
