

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:39



英音 [pleɪn] 美音 [plen]


n. 平原;平地;[纺织业]平针;朴实无华的东西;

adj. 平的;素的;清晰的;相貌平平的;

adv. 清楚地,明白地;平易地;[用以加强语气]显然;完全地;

vi. 发牢骚;诉苦;


  1. extensive tract of level open land;

    "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"
    "he longed for the fields of his youth"

  2. a basic knitting stitch

  1. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment;

    "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"
    "evident hostility"
    "manifest disapproval"
    "patent advantages"
    "made his meaning plain"
    "it is plain that he is no reactionary"
    "in plain view"

  2. not elaborate or elaborated; simple;

    "plain food"
    "stuck to the plain facts"
    "a plain blue suit"
    "a plain rectangular brick building"

  3. lacking patterns especially in color

  4. not mixed with extraneous elements;

    "plain water"
    "sheer wine"
    "not an unmixed blessing"

  5. free from any effort to soften to disguise;

    "the plain and unvarnished truth"
    "the unvarnished candor of old people and children"

  6. lacking embellishment or ornamentation;

    "a plain hair style"
    "unembellished white walls"
    "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"

  7. lacking in physical beauty or proportion;

    "a homely child"
    "several of the buildings were downright homely"
    "a plain girl with a freckled face"

  1. unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly');

    "the answer is obviously wrong"
    "she was in bed and evidently in great pain"
    "he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"
    "it is all patently nonsense"
    "she has apparently been living here for some time"
    "I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"
    "You are plainly wrong"
    "he is plain stubborn"

  1. express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness;

    "My mother complains all day"
    "She has a lot to kick about"

Champlain [地名] [加拿大、美国] 尚普兰;
chaplain n. (王宫等的)附属教堂牧师;(军队、医院、监狱等的)牧师;犹太教教士;(在社团等会议上)执行宗教仪式的牧师(或俗人);
complain vi. 抱怨,诉苦;申诉,控诉,抗议; vt. 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句];
explain vt.& vi. 讲解,解释; vt. 说明…的原因,辩解; vi. 说明,解释,辩解;
floodplain n. 泛滥平原,涝原,漫滩;
peneplain n. 准平原;准平面;
plainchant n. 单声圣歌;
plainsman n. 平原居民,平地人;
plainsong n. 单声圣歌(一种不分小节无伴奏的宗教歌);
plainspoken adj. 直言不讳的;
plaint n. <诗>悲叹;感叹;抱怨;诉苦;
plaintiff n. <律>原告;
plaintive adj. 悲哀的,哀怨的;哭诉的;可怜的;忧郁的;

plain milling 平铣;
plain-spoken adj. 坦率的,说话直截了当的;直言无隐;
plain sequence 顺序;
plain plating 平添纱,简单添纱;
hillock plain 低丘平原;
plain agar 普通琼脂;
plain weave 平织,布纹纸,平织纸;平纹;
plain miller 平面铣床;
plain shade 单色,素色,一色;
plain flap 简单襟翼;
plain shaft 普通轴,光轴;
plain loop 平针线圈;
ponded plain 堵塞平原;
plain chisel 扁钻,扁錾;
plain cover 素封面(只有书名、作者名的封面);
plateau plain 高原平原;
plain asphalt 普通沥青;
erodsion plain [医]侵蚀平原;
lacustrine plain 湖成平原;湖积平原;
interior plain 内陆平原;
