

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:39



英音 [saɪd] 美音 [saɪd]


n. 面,边;方面;侧面;旁边;

adj. 侧面的;旁边的;次要的,枝节的;副的;

vi. 支持,同意;偏袒;附和;站在…一边;


  1. a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location;

    "they always sat on the right side of the church"
    "he never left my side"

  2. one of two or more contesting groups;

    "the Confederate side was prepared to attack"

  3. either the left or right half of a body;

    "he had a pain in his side"

  4. a surface forming part of the outside of an object;

    "he examined all sides of the crystal"
    "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"

  5. an extended outer surface of an object;

    "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"
    "they painted all four sides of the house"

  6. an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect);

    "he was on the heavy side"
    "he is on the purchasing side of the business"
    "it brought out his better side"

  7. a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure;

    "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side"

  8. a family line of descent;

    "he gets his brains from his father's side"

  9. a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food

  10. an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute;

    "there are two sides to every question"

  11. an elevated geological formation;

    "he climbed the steep slope"
    "the house was built on the side of a mountain"

  12. (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist

  1. located on a side;

    "side fences"
    "the side porch"

  1. take sides for or against;

    "Who are you widing with?"

Abbasside n. (阿拉伯帝国)阿巴斯王朝(750-1258)的哈里发;
Brookside [地名] [美国] 布鲁克赛德;
Burnside 伯恩赛德(姓氏);
Cheapside n. 齐普赛街(位于伦敦);
Glenside [地名] [加拿大、美国、南非共和国、新西兰] 格伦赛德;
Heaviside 海维赛德(姓氏; Oliver, 1850-1925,英国物理学家、电气工程学家);
Hillside n. (小山的)山坡;山腰;
Lakeside n. 湖边,湖岸,湖畔;湖滨;
Oceanside [地名] [美国] 欧申赛德;
Riverside n. 河边,河畔;沿河地段; adj. 河边的,河畔的;
Seaside n. 海滨;海边; adj. 海边的;海滨的;
airside n. 机场侧边,机场;
alongside adv. 在…的侧面;在…旁边;与…并排; prep. 在…旁边;横靠;傍着;
aside adv. 在旁边,在一边,到旁边,到一边;撇开(…暂且不谈),留存;[戏]独(白),旁(白);(用于名词后)除…以外; n. [戏]旁白,独白;低声说的话,离题话; prep. 在…旁边;
backside n. 臀部,背部;后方;
bayside [地名] [美国] 贝赛德;
beachside adj. 海滩边的;
bedside n. 床边,床侧; adj. 床旁的;关于病人的,临床的;
beside prep. 不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关;(表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边,,在…一侧,在…附近;(表示关系)与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上; adv. 〈古〉同“besides”;
broadside n. <船>(吃水线以上的)舷侧;(书面或口头的)猛烈抨击;全部舷侧炮;宽阔面; adv. 侧对着;侧向地;漫无目标地;胡乱地; vt. <美>撞上(车)的一侧;
cerebroside n. 脑苷脂;
countryside n. 乡村;郊野;乡下的全体居民;
courtside n. (网球等的)球场边缘区;
curbside n. 靠近路缘的人行道部分,路边;
dayside n. (行星)的光面;
diopside n. 透辉石;
dockside n. 码头前沿,码头邻区,坞边; adj. (在)码头前沿的,(在)码头邻区的,(在)坞边的;
downside n. 下降趋势;负面,消极面; adj. 下降趋势的;
fireside n. 炉边;
foreside n. 前部,上部;
galactoside n. 半乳糖苷;
ganglioside n. 神经节苷脂;
glucoside n. 配糖物;糖苷;
glycoside n. 配醣,配糖类;
graveside n. 坟墓边;
hearthside n. 炉边,家庭;
hillside n. (小山的)山坡;山腰;
inside adj. 里面的,内部的;内幕的;内侧的; n. 里面,内侧;内脏;内容,内幕;(道路或跑道拐弯处的)内侧; adv. 在内地,在内部地;在内侧地;在监狱里; prep. 在…以内;在内侧或内部;进入里面;

side by side 肩并肩地,一起;相互支持;并排;
from side to side 从一端到另一端;
side-by-side adj. 并肩的,并行的;
side by side with 和…并肩;
side walk 人行道;
increase side 增加方,借方;
side-road n. 支路,旁侧路;
side arms n. 随身武器(如佩剑,刺刀,手枪等);
side circuit 实线电路;
distaff side n. 母系家属;
railed side 横条栏板,栏杆式侧板;
side-to-side immunity [医]并排免疫接种,两侧免疫接种;
side-to-side setup 横向排列;
side to side anastomosis 侧面侧面吻合术;
side-to-side adjustment 横向调节;
side-by-side turbine 两轮式水轮机;
side by side display 并列显示器;
side-to-side crosstalk 两路间串话;
side-by-side helix [医]并列螺旋;
side-by-side listing [计] 并列排表;
side-to-side movement 左右运动;
