

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:39



英音 [bel] 美音 [bɛl]


n. 钟,铃;钟声,铃声;钟状物;[建]圆屋顶;

vt. 敲钟;系铃于,给…装上铃;使成铃状;把…放在钟形罩内;

vi. 使象钟状地张开;鸣钟;


  1. a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck

  2. a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed

  3. the sound of a bell being struck;

    "saved by the bell"
    "she heard the distant toll of church bells"

  4. (nautical) each of the eight half-hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship's bell; eight bells signals 4:00, 8:00, or 12:00 o'clock, either a.m. or p.m.

  5. the shape of a bell

  6. a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell (1819-1905)

  7. English painter; sister of Virginia Woolf; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1879-1961)

  8. United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922)

  9. a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument

  10. the flared opening of a tubular device

  1. attach a bell to;

    "bell cows"

Cabell 卡贝尔(姓氏);
Campbell 坎贝尔(姓氏);
Tarbell [人名] 塔贝尔;
barbell n. 杠铃;
belladonna n. 颠茄;颠茄制剂;
bellbird n. 铃鸟;钟鸣鸟;
bellboy n. (旅馆里为客人搬运行李到房间里的)男侍者;
belle n. 美女;最美的美女;
belletrist n. 纯文学作者;
bellflower n. 吊钟花,风铃草;钟形花植物;
bellhop n. (尤指年轻的旅馆)信差,做杂役的男侍者;
bellicose adj. <正>好战的,好争吵的,好斗的;黩武;
belligerence n. 交战,好战,斗争性;
belligerency n. 交战状态;
belligerent adj. 交战的;卷入冲突的;好战的;交战国的; n. 交战国,交战者;参加斗殴的人或集团;
belling n. 动物的吼叫,扩成喇叭形的;
bellman n. 敲钟人,传达员,更夫;
bellow vi. 发出吼叫声,咆哮(尤指因痛苦); vt.& vi. 大声喝道,大叫,出大而有力的声音; n. 吼叫声,轰鸣声;
bellows n. 风箱;发出吼叫声,咆哮(尤指因痛苦)( bellow的名词复数 );(愤怒地)说出(某事),大叫; v. 发出吼叫声,咆哮(尤指因痛苦)( bellow的第三人称单数 );(愤怒地)说出(某事),大叫;
bellwether n. 系铃的公羊;前导;领导者;群众的首领;
bellwort n. 橘梗科属的植物,北美洲产的百合科植物;
belly n. 肚子,腹部;(物体的)圆形或凸起部份;胃口,食欲;腹部…形的; vt.& vi. 膨胀;
bellyache n. 腹痛; vi. 无故抱怨;
bellyband n. (马与车轴等相连的)肚带;腹带;
bellybutton n. 肚脐;
bellyful n. 一肚子;满肚子;过量;过分(尤指不受欢迎);
bluebell n. 圆叶风铃草;
cowbell n. 母牛的颈铃;
doorbell n. 门铃;
dumbbell n. 哑铃;<美俚>蠢人;笨蛋;傻瓜;
harebell n. 山小菜,蓝铃花;
snowbell n. 大叶野茉莉;

Bell n. 钟,铃;钟声,铃声;钟状物;[建]圆屋顶; vt. 敲钟;系铃于,给…装上铃;使成铃状;把…放在钟形罩内; vi. 使象钟状地张开;鸣钟;
bell arch 钟状拱;
bell rigging 警钟装置;
bell key 电铃电键;
bell coupling 钟形联接器;
bell character 信号铃记号;
bell-mouthed adj. 钟口状的,钟形口的,喇叭口的;
bell cow 领袖;
bell rod 钟杆;
bell guard 护手盘;
bell valve 钟形阀,装料钟;
Bell Bell Adjustment Inventory 贝尔适应量表;
bell curve 钟形曲线;
bell end 承插端;
trembler bell 电铃;
muzzle bell 套口,承口;
bias bell 偏动电铃;
Bell law [医]贝尔定律;
bell float 浮钟;
