

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:33



英音 [ˈketl] 美音 [ˈkɛtl]


n. (烧水用的)壶;小汽锅;


  1. a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid

  2. the quantity a kettle will hold

  3. (geology) a hollow (typically filled by a lake) that results from the melting of a mass of ice trapped in glacial deposits

  4. a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it

kettledrum n. 半球形铜鼓,午后茶会;
teakettle n. 茶壶,烧水壶;

japanning kettle 漆锅;
still kettle 蒸馏釜;
clay kettle 漂白锅;
rendering kettle 炼油锅;
clarifying kettle 澄清锅,沉淀锅;
reduction kettle 还原釜,还原器;
glue kettle 熬胶锅;
infusion kettle 浸渍锅;
wort kettle 煮麦芽汁锅;
cooking kettle 蒸煮锅,油料(种籽)炒锅;
kettle furnace 倾动式保温炉;
resin kettle 树脂(炼聚)锅;
refining kettle 精制釜;
kettle cure 罐中硫化;
croup-kettle [医] 格鲁布[蒸汽]壶;
pouring kettle 浇注勺;
kettle holes 锅穴;
pump kettle 泵吸入管的过滤龙头;
agitated kettle 搅动锅;
condensation kettle [医]缩聚器;
grease kettle 润滑脂锅;
desilverizing kettle 除银锅,脱银锅;
