

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:33



英音 [treɪd] 美音 [treid]


n. 贸易;行业;<美>顾客;买卖;

vt.& vi. 交易,经商;

vt. 交换;经营…交易,做…的买卖;

vi. 贸易;买卖;以物易物;


  1. the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services;

    "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"
    "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"

  2. the skilled practice of a practical occupation;

    "he learned his trade as an apprentice"

  3. the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers;

    "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"

  4. a particular instance of buying or selling;

    "it was a package deal"
    "I had no further trade with him"
    "he's a master of the business deal"

  5. people who perform a particular kind of skilled work;

    "he represented the craft of brewers"
    "as they say in the trade"

  6. steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator;

    "they rode the trade winds going west"

  7. an equal exchange;

    "we had no money so we had to live by barter"

  1. engage in the trade of;

    "he is merchandising telephone sets"

  2. turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase;

    "trade in an old car for a new one"

  3. be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions;

    "The stock traded around $20 a share"

  4. exchange or give (something) in exchange for

  5. do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood;

    "She deals in gold"
    "The brothers sell shoes"

antitrade adj. 反贸易风的; n. 〔气〕反信风;
balustrade n. (阳台的)栏杆,扶手;
countertrade n. 对消贸易,反向贸易(一种国际贸易形式);
overtrade vi. (企业)贸易过度;
tradecraft 谍报技术;
trademark n. (注册)商标;(人的行为或衣着的)特征,标记;
tradeoff n. (公平)交易,折衷,权衡;
trader n. 商人;商船;交易者;
tradesman n. 商人;店主;零售商;手艺人;
tradespeople n. 商人们,开商店者及其家属;

service trade 服务性行业;
special trade 专门贸易;
trade fair 商品交易会;
trade reference n. 贸易参考;
merchanting trade n. 仲介贸易;
trade courses 手工艺训练班;
speculative trade 投机买卖;
trade wind n. 信风;
international trade 国际贸易;
trade promotion 贸易促进;
trade hazard 贸易危险;
visible trade 有形贸易;
trade safeguarding 通商保护法;
terms trade [经] 贸易条件,成交条件;
non-trade [经] 非贸易;
trade negotiation 贸易谈判;
bad trade [经] 贸易不振,贸易萧条;
trade house 贸易行,贸易货栈;
small trade [法] 小商;
