

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:20



英音 [pɜ:s] 美音 [pɜrs]


n. 钱包,钱袋;财力,财源;和包或钱袋相似的东西;女用小提包;

vt. 使皱起,噘起;


  1. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women);

    "she reached into her bag and found a comb"

  2. a sum of money spoken of as the contents of a money purse;

    "he made the contribution out of his own purse"
    "he and his wife shared a common purse"

  3. a small bag for carrying money

  4. a sum of money offered as a prize;

    "the purse barely covered the winner's expenses"

  1. contract one's lips into a rounded shape

  2. gather or contract into wrinkles or folds; pucker;

    "purse ones's lips"

cutpurse n. 小偷,扒手;
purser n. (轮船、班机等)事务长,(尤指客轮上的)乘务长;

sea purse n. 鳐,鲨鱼等的角质卵壳(卵囊);
purse-string adj. 财政的,财政上的;
purse net n. 捕鱼用的袋网,围网;
purse pride n. 富裕引起的傲慢,铜臭骄;
purse-proud adj. (尤指无其他虚荣可供炫耀时)以财富傲人的,散发着铜臭气的;
privy purse n. 国王之私人用度,内库;
national purse 国库;
purse strings n. 钱袋口上的绳子,金钱;
purse bearer n. 会计员,仪式中的捧玺官;
purse up v. 缩拢,皱起;
a light purse n. 贫困;
purse sring 钱袋上的绳子;
long purse 富有,富裕;
cut-purse [法] 小偷,扒手;
shepherd's purse 荠菜;
heavy purse 富有,富裕;
purse-string adj. 财政的,财政上的;
public purse 国库,公库;
purse net n. 捕鱼用的袋网,围网;
purse pride n. 富裕引起的傲慢,铜臭骄;
empty purse 无资力,贫穷;
national purse 国库;
