

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:20



英音 [fækt] 美音 [fækt]


n. 事实,实情;实际;真相,证据;犯罪行为;


  1. a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred;

    "first you must collect all the facts of the case"

  2. a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened;

    "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"

  3. an event known to have happened or something known to have existed;

    "your fears have no basis in fact"
    "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"

  4. a concept whose truth can be proved;

    "scientific hypotheses are not facts"

artefact n. 人工制品,人工产物;人为现象;[医]伪假象;[生物学]矫作物;
artifact n. 人工制品,手工艺品,加工品;石器;
facticity n. 真实性,确凿性;
faction n. 派系;派系斗争;内讧;纪实与虚构相结合的电影;
factionalize vt. <美>使分裂成对立的派系,使分成宗派;
factious adj. 派系的;与派系相关的;好争论的;不合作的;
factitious adj. 不自然的;虚假的;人为的;人造的;
factitive adj. 作为的,使役的; n. 使役动词;
factoid n. (仅因出现在出版物上而被信以为真的)仿真陈述;
factor n. 因素;<数>因子;代理人; vt. 把…因素包括进去;[数学]分解…的因子,将…分解成因子;以代理商(或管家等)的身份行事,做代理商(或管家); vi. 做代理商(或管家);
factorage n. 代理商业务,手续费;代办商;
factorial adj. 因子的,阶乘的; n. 阶乘积,阶乘;
factorize v. 分解为因数,第三债务人;
factory n. 工厂,制造厂;<古>代理店;
factotum n. 杂工,打杂的人;
factual adj. 事实的,真实的;根据事实的;确凿的;
factualism n. 尊重事实;
ventifact n. 风棱石,风磨石;

FACT n. 事实,实情;实际;真相,证据;犯罪行为;
in fact 实际上,其实;实则;事实上;说起来;
fact-finding adj. 调查实情的; n. 实情调查;调解;
fact-finder n. 实情调查者,(案件等的)检察员;
accomplished fact 既成事实;
fact sheet n. 情况说明书;
fact finding 实况调查;
accessary before the fact 事前参与预谋的从犯;
accessary after the fact 知情不报的从犯;
for a fact 确实地,肯定地;
face the fact 面对现实,正视事实;
Fact n. 事实,实情;实际;真相,证据;犯罪行为;
fact question [法] 事实问题,事实审;
investigative fact [法] 调查的事实;
subjective fact 主观事实;
evidential fact 作为证据的事实;
absolute fact 确凿事实;
atomic fact 原子事实;
collateral fact [法] 间接事实;
objective fact 客观事实;
