

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:14



英音 [baʊnd] 美音 [baʊnd]


vi. 跳,弹跳;限制;接壤;

vt. 给…划界,限制;使弹回,使跳跃;束缚;

n. 界限,限制;跃起;(球等的)反跳;

adj. 用带子绑住的;有义务的;装订的,有封面的;[化,物]结合的;


  1. a line determining the limits of an area

  2. the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

  3. the greatest possible degree of something;

    "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"
    "to the limit of his ability"

  4. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

  1. confined by bonds;

    "bound and gagged hostages"

  2. held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union

  3. secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form;

    "bound volumes"
    "leather-bound volumes"

  4. (usually followed by `to') governed by fate;

    "bound to happen"
    "an old house destined to be demolished"
    "he is destined to be famous"

  5. covered or wrapped with a bandage;

    "the bandaged wound on the back of his head"
    "an injury bound in fresh gauze"

  6. headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students';

    "children bound for school"
    "a flight destined for New York"

  7. bound by an oath;

    "a bound official"

  8. bound by contract

  9. confined in the bowels;

    "he is bound in the belly"

  1. move forward by leaps and bounds;

    "The horse bounded across the meadow"
    "The child leapt across the puddle"
    "Can you jump over the fence?"

  2. form the boundary of; be contiguous to

  3. place limits on (extent or access);

    "restrict the use of this parking lot"
    "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

  4. spring back; spring away from an impact;

    "The rubber ball bounced"
    "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"

abound vi. 丰富,盛产;非常多,大量存在;充满;
boundary n. 分界线;范围;(球场)边线;
bounden adj. 本分的;不可推卸;
bounder n. 粗鲁的人,暴发户;
boundless adj. 无限的;无穷的;无边际的;广阔的;
brassbound 包黄铜的;顽固保守;
clothbound adj. (书等)布面精装的;
earthbound adj. 固着于土地的,为世俗利益所束缚的,讲实际的;
eastbound adj. 东行的,向东的;
fogbound adj. 被雾笼罩的;因浓雾受阻的;雾阻;
hardbound adj. (书籍)精装的(即硬封面的);
hidebound adj. 对新的思想、方法等格格不入的,守旧的,思想偏狭的;
homebound adj. 回家的,回家乡的;
hoofbound adj. 兽蹄因病而感到疼痛紧缩的;
housebound adj. 居家不外出的,不能离家的;
icebound adj. 冰封的,被冰封冻着的;
inbound adj. 回内地的;归本国的;到达的;入境的;
ironbound adj. 包铁的,坚硬的;
northbound adj. 北行的,向北的;
outbound adj. 开往外地的,开往外国的;
paperbound n. 平装书;
potbound adj. 根生满盆没有伸展余地的;
rebound vi. 弹回;从诸如衰败或失望中恢复过来;回荡,回响;抢得篮板球; vt. 使弹回;使回升;使回响; n. 弹回,跳回;反弹球;篮板球;振作,反应;
rockbound adj. 被岩石包围的;多岩石的;(性格观点等的)僵硬的;顽固的;
snowbound adj. 被雪困住[封住]的;雪阻;
softbound adj. 软书皮装订的;
southbound adj. 向南行的,往南去的;
spellbound adj. 入迷的,出神的;被符咒镇住的; v. 用符咒迷惑,迷住,使入迷( spellbind的过去式和过去分词 );
stormbound adj. 因暴风雨而被困的;
strikebound adj. 因罢工而歇业的;
superabound vi. 过剩,有余;
unbound adj. 无束缚的;<正>不负有义务的; v. 解开,解放( unbind的过去式和过去分词 );
westbound adj. 向西的,西行的;

bound on 扑向;
bound atom 束缚原子;
bound for 驶往;
egg-bound adj. (禽类)难产的;
brass bound adj. 有黄铜框架的,严格的;
muscle-bound adj. (由于运动或劳累过度造成的)肌肉僵硬的,失去弹性的;
upper bound 上界,最大值;上限;
letter-bound adj. 拘泥文句的;
bound pair 界限对,界限双,界限偶;
bound state 界态;
belly-bound adj. 便秘的;
up-bound 上行;
bound scattering 束缚散射;
memory-bound [计] 受存储器限制的;
bound component 界分量,界元素;
dimension bound 维数界;
bound electron 束缚电子;
protein-bound [医]与蛋白质相结合的;
bound method 界限法;
bound ligand [医]结合配体;
pot-bound adj. 生根满盆的,没有发展余地的;
