

词库    2019-03-05 19:36:14



英音 [nɒk] 美音 [nɑk]


n. 短促的敲打(声);爆震声;敲击声;敲门(或窗等)声;

vi. 猛烈敲击;与某物相撞;撞到了桌子;

vt. (心)怦怦跳;把…撞击成(某种状态);批评;


  1. the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing);

    "the knocking grew louder"

  2. negative criticism

  3. a vigorous blow;

    "the sudden knock floored him"
    "he took a bash right in his face"
    "he got a bang on the head"

  4. a bad experience;

    "the school of hard knocks"

  5. the act of hitting vigorously;

    "he gave the table a whack"

  1. deliver a sharp blow or push :

    "He knocked the glass clear across the room"

  2. rap with the knuckles;

    "knock on the door"

  3. knock against with force or violence;

    "My car bumped into the tree"

  4. make light, repeated taps on a surface;

    "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"

  5. sound like a car engine that is firing too early;

    "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"
    "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"

  6. find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws;

    "The paper criticized the new movie"
    "Don't knock the food--it's free"

antiknock n. 抗震剂;
knockabout adj. 粗用的,喧闹的,到处闲荡的; n. 闹剧,小游艇,流浪汉;
knockdown adj. 极低的,猛的,可拆开的; n. 价格的压低,船的破损;
knocker n. 门环;吹毛求疵的人;
knockoff n. 名牌仿制品;冒牌服装;
knockout n. 击昏,击倒;绝代佳人;<俚>轰动一时的东西;淘汰赛; adj. 击倒的,打倒的;引人注目的;使昏迷的;迷人的;
knockwurst n. (knackwurst的变体)大香肠;

knock down 拆卸;<非正>击倒;拒绝;<非正>降价;
knock-kneed adj. 内弯足的,八字脚的;
no-knock adj. (逮捕、搜查等)强行闯入进行的,破门而入的;
knock at 打, 捶, 敲;挝;
knock-down adj. 不可抵抗的;压倒一切的;强有力的;可拆卸的; n. 打倒的一击,混战,降低;
knock value 抗爆性;
knock producer 爆震剂;
knock meter 爆震计;
knock head v. 叩头;
knock out 淘汰;击败;出局;使不省人事;
knock together 匆匆做完(某事);(使)相撞;烹调;杂凑;
knock for knock agreement 汽车互撞免赔协定;
diesel knock 柴油机爆震,柴油机爆震声;
knock test 抗爆震性试验;
engine knock 敲缸;发动机爆燃;发动机爆声;发动机爆震;
valve knock 气门敲击声;
axial knock 撞击震颤声;
taper knock 圆锥顶销;
knock back 回敲;使大吃一惊;<口>使花费掉;猛饮;
anti-knock [机] 抗爆,抗震;
