英音 [bend] 美音 [bɛnd]
vt. (使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于;
vi. 偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心;
n. 弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病;
"a bend in the road"
"a crook in the path"
"a fold in the napkin"
"a crease in his trousers"
"a plication on her blouse"
"a flexure of the colon"
"a bend of his elbow"
"The stick does not bend"
"The road bends"
"bend the rod"
"twist the dough into a braid"
"the strong man could turn an iron bar"
"he crouched down"
"She bowed before the Queen"
"The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"
"flex your wrists"
"bend your knees"
bender n. (一段时间)狂饮作乐,大量吸毒;
prebend n. 牧师的俸禄;
unbend vi. 变直;变得不一本正经;变得随意;松弛; vt. 弄直;伸直;放直;使轻松;
quarter bend 直角弯头,矩管;
bend over 弯腰,弯曲;伏;趴;
bend sinister n. 从左上角到右下角的对角条纹,盾纹上表示庶出的斜条;
duckfoot bend 鸭脚弯头;
offset bend 弯管,迂回管;
carrick-bend n. 接两根绳子的一种绳结;
blind bend 急弯;
threaded bend 螺纹弯;
bend wheel 改向轮;
trough bend 拗槽,向斜,溜槽转弯;
bend technique 弯道技术;
bend waveguide [电] 弯曲波导;
e-bend [电] E弯曲;
connector bend (管子)弯头;
bend standing [医]半蹲;
carrick bend 单花大绳接结;
tee bend 三通;
bend flattening 河曲变缓;
gable bend [医]人字形曲;
anticlinal bend 背斜曲部;
bend coupling 弯曲耦合;