

词库    2019-03-05 18:46:42



英音 [ˈendɪŋ] 美音 [ˈɛndɪŋ]


n. 结局;结束;终结;最后部份;

v. 结束,终止(end的现在分词);


  1. the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme);

    "I don't like words that have -ism as an ending"

  2. the act of ending something;

    "the termination of the agreement"

  3. the point in time at which something ends;

    "the end of the year"
    "the ending of warranty period"

  4. event whose occurrence ends something;

    "his death marked the ending of an era"
    "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"

  5. the last section of a communication;

    "in conclusion I want to say..."

ascending adj. 上升的,向上的; v. 上升,攀登( ascend的现在分词 );
attending adj. (医生)主治的; v. 参加( attend的现在分词 );注意,听;照顾;[常用被动语态](作为结果、情况)伴随;
condescending adj. 降低身份的;屈尊的;高傲的;傲慢的; v. 屈尊,俯就( condescend的现在分词 );故意表示和蔼可亲;
goaltending n. [体]干扰投篮得分;
intending adj. 预计中的,未来的; v. 意欲( intend的现在分词 );打算;打算使;意指;
mending n. 待缝补的衣服; v. 修理,修补( mend的现在分词 );改[纠]正;改善[进];恢复;
pending prep. 直到,在等待…期间; adj. 未决的;未定的;待定的;即将发生的;
unbending adj. 不易弯曲的;挺直的;顽固的;坚定的; n. 舒畅,轻松; v. 变直( unbend的现在分词 );变得不一本正经;变得随意;松弛;
uncomprehending adj. 不了解的,不谅解的;
unpretending adj. 不装模作样的;不骄傲的;谦逊的;质朴的;

ending at n. 终止于;
never-ending adj. 不断的,无止境的;无限的;没底的;
ending beat 端面跳动;
ending fitting 下锚装置;
ending quotation mark 终止引号;
secondary ending [医]次级末梢;
primary ending 原始末梢;
ending wave 终末波;
nerve ending 神经末梢;
annulospiral ending 环旋末梢;
ending character [计] 结束符号;
anulospiral ending [医]环绕末端;
ending balance 期末余额;
free ending [医] 游离末梢;
ending pulsation 端面跳动;
