

词库    2019-03-05 18:46:36



英音 [taɪmz] 美音 [taɪmz]


n. 时代;有时;总是;落后于时代;时间( time的名词复数 );时机;时代;所需时间;

prep. 乘,乘以;


  1. a more or less definite period of time now or previously present;

    "it was a sign of the times"

  2. an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed;

    "the multiplication of four by three gives twelve"
    "four times three equals twelve"

betimes adv. 及时,早;
betweentimes adv. 在中间的时间;
oftentimes adv. 时常地;
sometimes adv. 有时,间或;时而;
timesaving adj. 节省时间的;
timeserver n. 趋炎附势者,随波逐流者;风派人物;

bad times 不景气;
The Times <泰晤士报>(英国);
hard times n. 低潮;艰难时世;
best times n. 最短时间;
by times 早;
oft-times 经常,常常;
at times 有时;有时,间或;
troublous times 乱世,动荡的年代;
magnification times 放大倍数;
Times Square n. 泰晤士广场(位于美国纽约市曼哈顿区);
between times adv. 有时候,偶尔;
times theory 时代论;
many times 多次,常常;累累;
transit times [医]过渡期;
burst times [医]裂解期;
half-times [医]半寿期,半衰期;
several times 数次;
