

词库    2019-03-05 18:46:36



英音 [gləʊ] 美音 [gloʊ]


vi. 发光,灼热;脸红;洋溢,喜形于色;

n. 白热,炽热;色彩鲜艳,尤指红光;激情;热烈;


  1. an alert and refreshed state

  2. light from nonthermal sources

  3. the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised

  4. a feeling of considerable warmth;

    "the glow of new love"
    "a glow of regret"

  5. a steady even light without flames

  6. the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

  7. an appearance of reflected light

  1. emit a steady even light without flames;

    "The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden"

  2. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;

    "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"

  3. shine intensely, as if with heat;

    "The coals were glowing in the dark"
    "The candles were burning"

  4. be exuberant or high-spirited;

    "Make the people's hearts glow"

  5. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;

    "She was beaming with joy"
    "Her face radiated with happiness"

afterglow n. 晚霞,夕照;余辉;
aglow adj.& adv. 发亮的(地);发红的(地);炽热的(地);容光焕发的(地); adj. 发亮的(地);
airglow n. 气辉;
alpenglow n. 染山霞;
counterglow n. 对日;
glower vi. 怒视;
glowworm n. 萤火虫;
nightglow n. 夜气辉;
sunglow n. 朝霞,晚霞,日光;霞光;

anode glow 阳极辉光;
color glow 色彩鲜艳夺目;
glow corona 辉光电晕;
glow tube 辉光管,辉光放电管;
negative glow 阴极辉光;负辉区;负辉光;
blue glow 蓝辉光;
glow discharge 辉光放电;
cathode glow 阴极电辉;
glow curve 加热发光曲线;
neon glow 氖辉光;
nightsky glow 夜辉;
glow amplifier [电] 辉光放大器;
normal glow 正常辉光;
sea glow 海面辉光;
sunset glow n. 晚霞;
glow blue [电] 蓝辉;
Andes glow 安第斯闪电;
sky glow 天空照亮;
glow-worm n. 萤火虫;
glow plug 电热塞;
