

词库    2019-03-05 19:35:42



英音 [ˈkʌmɪŋ] 美音 [ˈkʌmɪŋ]


adj. 即将到来的;下一个的;将要遭到报应;自食恶果;

n. (尤指新事物的)到来;到达;

v. 来( come的现在分词);到达;达到(认识、理解或相信的程度);出生;


  1. the act of drawing spatially closer to something;

    "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"

  2. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous);

    "the advent of the computer"

  3. the temporal property of becoming nearer in time;

    "the approach of winter"

  4. the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse

  1. of the relatively near future;

    "the approaching election"
    "this coming Thursday"
    "the forthcoming holidays"
    "the upcoming spring fashions"

becoming adj. <正>(衣服等)相配的;合身的;合适的;与…相称的; n. <哲>(变化过程的)形成,发生; v. 变为,成为( become的现在分词 );适合;使(人)显得漂亮;使好看;
forthcoming adj. 即将到来的;现成的;唾手可得的;乐于助人的; n. 来临;临近;
homecoming n. 归国;同学会;省亲回家;校友日;
incoming adj. 进来的,回来的;即将就任的;增殖的;(居民等)移来的; n. 进来,到来;收入;
oncoming adj. 迎面而来的,即将到来的;
shortcoming n. 短处,缺点;
unbecoming adj. 不合身的,不相配的,难看的;不雅观;不相称;
upcoming adj. 即将来到的,即将出现的;即将到来;

coming-on adj. 服从的,顺服的;
coming-out n. 女子初入社交界;
Second Coming n. 基督复临;
coming in n. 进入,开始;
coming-in n. 进入,开始;
a coming man 后起之秀;
going and coming adv. 没有出路;
coming-of-age n. 成年,成熟;
coming half year 次届,次期;
up-and-coming adj. 积极进取的;日见重要的;很有前途的;〈美〉精力饱满的;
coming along [建] 升, 遂;
back coming 后退回采;
coming in n. 进入,开始;
coming out 新发行的股票;
coming-in n. 进入,开始;
coming-out n. 女子初入社交界;
coming-on adj. 服从的,顺服的;
going and coming adv. 没有出路;
coming into step [化] 进入同步;
after-coming head 后出生儿头;
phlegm coming from spleen [医]脾为生痰之源;
