

词库    2020-05-18 15:58:28



英音 [ˈstɑ:tə(r)] 美音 [ˈstɑrtə(r)]


n. (发动机的)启动装置;参赛人;(主菜之前的)开胃小吃;(赛跑等的)发令员;


  1. an electric motor for starting an engine

  2. a contestant in a team sport who is in the game at the beginning

  3. the official who signals the beginning of a race or competition

  4. any new participant in some activity

  5. food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)

  6. a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle

  7. a culture containing yeast or bacteria that is used to start the process of fermentation or souring in making butter or cheese or dough;

    "to make sourdough you need a starter"

nonstarter n. 弃权出赛的马,早就无成功希望的人;

jet starter 喷气起动机;
contactor starter 接触起动器;
reel starter 卷纸机起动装置;
natural starter 自然发酵的酵母,醪;
door starter 开门器;
solenoid starter 螺旋线圈起动器;
cartridge starter 弹药起动器;
group starter 分组起动器;
drum starter 鼓形起动器;
engine starter 发动机起动机;
adjustable starter 调速起动器;
aircraft starter 飞机启动机;
inertial starter 惯性起动器;
pneumatic starter 压缩空气起动机;
starter cathode 起动阴极,触发阴极;
enclosed starter 封闭型起动器;
switch-starter 开关起动器;
reactance starter 电抗起动器;
oil starter 油起动器;
pig starter 断奶仔猪;
starter dog 起动机传动轴棘爪,起动机传动轴齿轮联轴节,起动锁簧;
hydraulic starter 液压起动马达;
