
《How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?》绘本简介

少儿英语绘本    2018-12-26 21:31:24

《How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?》绘本简介


作者: Jane Yolen  

出版社: HarperCollins


导语:少儿英语绘本频道,为您提供How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?少儿英语绘本,此绘本作者是Jane Yolen、HarperCollins出版,适合3岁-6岁年龄少儿阅读,还为您提供How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?简介、How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?推荐等信息。


Jane Yolen and Mark Teague’s phenomenally best-sellingdinosaurs are back, and this time they’re going to school!Whatwould you do if a very large ceratosaurus stomped into yourclassroom? And what if the student sitting next to you was agigantic silvisaurus C who decided to jump on top of his desk?Comealong for a very unusual day where dinosaur show-and-tell, storytime and playtime antics will make even the best-behaved dinosaurslaugh out loud.School has never been so much fun!
