Allysa: You know, Laura, animals move their bodies in different ways.
(Allysa: Laura,你知道吗,动物拥有不同的移动方式。)
Laura: Then, how does a crab move?
(Laura: 那么,螃蟹是如何移动的呢?)
Allysa: A crab crawls.
(Allysa: 螃蟹靠爬行。)
Laura: How do kangaroos move?
(Laura: 袋鼠是如何移动的呢?)
Allysa: Kangaroos hop.
(Allysa: 袋鼠蹦蹦跳跳地移动。)
动物界的 Action Words 知多少?
hop 美 /hɑp/ 蹦跳;搭乘
hopping hopped
- to jump over<hop a fence 越过栅栏>
- to ride on<hopped a flight 搭乘飞机>; also to ride surreptitiously and without authorization<hop a freight train 火车偷渡>
- to make a quick trip especially by the air<快速行程>
- to set about doing something —— usually uesd in the phrase: <hop to it 着手做>.
fly 美/flaɪ/ 飞行;驾驶飞机;翱翔
flew flown flying
- to travel by plane
<She’s flying back to the States tomorrow. 她明天乘飞机回美国。>
- if a plane, spacecraft etc flies, it moves through the air
<The plane was attacked as it flew over restricted airspace. 飞机在飞越空中禁区时遭到了攻击。>
- to be at the controls of a plane and direct it as it flies
<She was the first woman to fly Concorde. 她是第一位驾驶协和式飞机的女性。>
- to move through the air using wings
<The mother bird will feed her chicks until they are able to fly. 母鸟将喂养小鸟直到它们会飞。>
crawl 美/krɔl/ 爬行
crawled crawling
- if an insect crawls, it moves using its legs
<There’s a bug crawling up your leg. 有只小虫子爬到你腿上了。>