

少儿英语指南    2019-01-18 18:36:21


小学生学习英语的方式有很多种,学习的途径也是多种多样的,想要学习单词不一定非要通过课本或者词典,其实阅读英文小故事也是一个不错的选择,那么下面是关于小学生英语故事的分享: 小学生英语故事分享 小学生英语故事之《Three friends》(三个好朋友) One day a monkey rides his bike near the river(一天有一只猴子在河边骑车),This time he sees a lion under a tree(这个时候他看到一棵树下面有一只狮子),The lion runs at him(狮子向他跑了过来),He is afraid and falls into the river(他非常地害怕然后跳进河里面了),But he can’t swim(但是他又不会游泳),He shouts(于是他大叫),The rabbit hears him(兔子听见了),He jumps into the river(他马上跳进河里面),The rabbit swims to the monkey(兔子游向了这只猴子),but he can’t help him(但是他没有办法帮到他)。Luckily an elephant comes along(幸运的是一只大象经过这里),He is very strong(他非常地强壮),He helps the rabbit and monkey(他帮助了这只猴子和兔子),Three friends are very happy(他们三个人都非常开心),They go to the elephant’s home(他们一起去了大象的家里),Then three of them become good friends(然后他们就成了好朋友)。

这篇故事中可以学习到的词汇有“monkey猴子——One day有一天、总有一天——this time这次——He is……他是……——afraid害怕、担心的——fall into掉进、陷入”等,也是一些比较简单易学且使用范围广的词汇。

小学生英语故事之《A fox and a goat》(狐狸和山羊) An unlucky fox fell into a well(一只不幸运的山羊失足掉进了井里),It was quite deep(这个井实在是太深了),so he could not get out by himself(他自己没有办法跳出来)。A goat came(一只山羊经过了这里),He asked the fox:”what are you doing?”(他问狐狸:“你在这里做什么”),The fox said : “There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you jump down too?” (狐狸回答道:“你没有听说吗这里要大旱了,因此我跳进来取水,你为什么不跳下来一起喝呢?”)The goat jumped into the well(山羊听信了狐狸的鬼话跳了进去),But the fox jumped on the goat’sback and out of the well(但是狐狸立刻跳上山羊的背跳了出去),“Good-bye friend,” said the fox.“Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties.”(狐狸说:“再见了我的朋友,记住永远不要相信一个深陷麻烦的人的话”)。

