

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:52



英音 [ˈsəʊʃl] 美音 [ˈsoʊʃl]


adj. 社会的,社会上的;交际的,社交的;群居的;合群的;

n. 联谊会,联欢会;社交聚会;


  1. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

  1. relating to human society and its members;

    "social institutions"
    "societal evolution"
    "societal forces"
    "social legislation"

  2. living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups;

    "a human being is a social animal"
    "mature social behavior"

  3. relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society;

    "made fun of her being so social and high-toned"
    "a social gossip colum"
    "the society page"

  4. composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability;

    "a purely social club"
    "the church has a large social hall"
    "a social director"

  5. tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind;

    "ants are social insects"

  6. marked by friendly companionship with others;

    "a social cup of coffee"

antisocial adj. 反社会的;危害社会安宁的;违反公益的;不喜欢社交的;
asocial adj. 缺乏社交性的,自我中心的,自私的;
biosocial adj. (在人类或动物生活中) 生物力量和社会力量之间相互作用的,生物-社会的;
psychosocial adj. 社会心理的(指社会环境影响下的个人心理变化);
socialism n. 社会主义;
socialist n. 社会主义者; adj. 社会主义的;社会党的;
socialistic adj. 社会主义的;
socialite n. 上流社会人士,社交界头面人物;
sociality n. 社交,交际,社会性;
socialize vi. (与…)交往,联谊;参与社交; vt. 使社会化;使适合于过社会生活;使参加集体学习;
socially adv. 在社交方面;善于交际地;在社会(地位)上;在全社会中;
unsocial adj. 非社会的,不合群的,不善交际的;孤僻;

social heredity 社会遗传;
social function 盛大的公共集会,正式社交集会;
social imperialism 社会帝国主义;
social service n. 社会公益服务;
social dynamics 社会动力学;
social marketing 社会营销;
social polymorphism 社会性多型;
social insurance n. 社会保险;
social-dies 社会学;
social worker n. 社会工作者;
social selection 社会选择,社会淘汰;
social choice 社会选择;
social disarticulation [医]社会隔绝;
social custom 社会风俗;
social rank 社会等级;
social class n. 社会地位;
social dividend 社会股息;
social attitude 社会态度;
social attachment 社会性依附;
social context 社会背景;
