

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [fɪʃ] 美音 [fɪʃ]


n. 鱼,鱼肉,鱼类;〈口〉(特殊的)人物,家伙,东西;[建]接合板,夹片,鱼尾板;[航]钓锚器,撑夹桅杆的加固夹箍;

vt.& vi. 捕鱼;钓鱼;摸出;掏出;

vt. 钓鱼,捕鱼;搜寻;[航]加夹箍夹牢;[工]用接合板连接[加固];

vi. 捕鱼,钓鱼;用钩捞取;


  1. any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills;

    "the shark is a large fish"
    "in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"

  2. the flesh of fish used as food;

    "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"
    "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"
    "they have a chef who specializes in fish"

  3. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces

  4. the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20

  1. seek indirectly;

    "fish for compliments"

  2. catch or try to catch fish or shellfish;

    "I like to go fishing on weekends"

angelfish n. 扁鲨,刺蝶鱼,天使鱼;
anglerfish n. 琵琶鱼,华脐鱼;
archerfish n. 印度所产的喷水鱼;
baitfish 钓饵鱼;
batfish n. 蝙蝠鱼科的鱼;
billfish n. 长嘴鱼(颚狭长如喙的鱼,如雀鳝等),尖嘴鱼(具有剑状长嘴及上颚的鱼,如旗鱼、枪鱼等);
blackfish n. 黑鲸;
blindfish n. 盲鱼(生活于地下潜流的洞穴中,眼退化,无视力);
blowfish n. 河豚,黄麻鲈;
bluefish n. 竹荚鱼类,美洲大西洋海岸所产的青鱼;
boarfish n. 豚鼻鱼,帆鳍鱼;
bonefish 北梭鱼(一种长着银鳞的观赏性海鱼(北梭鱼北梭鱼属),多见于温暖的浅水 );
boxfish 热带产的一种硬鳞鱼;
butterfish n. 溜滑的鱼;
candlefish n. 蜡烛鱼(产于北太平洋的一种食用小鱼,富油质,干革命鱼可作烛用);
catfish n. 鲶鱼,鲇(多为淡水鱼);
cavefish n. 洞穴鱼(一种穴居水窟中的盲鱼);
clingfish n. Gobiesocidae属的小海鱼,喉盘鱼;附鱼;
coalfish n. 黑鳕;煤黑鱼;
codfish n. 鳕;
cowfish n. 海牛,角鱼,江豚;
crampfish n. 电鱼;
crawfish n. 小龙虾;
crayfish n. 淡水螯虾(肉);龙虾;
cuttlefish n. 乌贼,墨鱼;
damselfish n. 少女鱼(一种小热带鱼);雀鲷;
dealfish n. 板鱼(大西洋海域的一种鱼);粗鳍鱼;
devilfish n. 大头鱼(尤指石鱼);章鱼;
dogfish n. <动>角鲨,星鲨;
dollarfish n. 银白色圆形的小鱼;
elfish adj. 如小精灵的,小妖精的,好恶作剧的;
fallfish n. 小眼须雅罗鱼(产于北美洲的瀑布或急流中);
filefish n. 豚鱼;
finfish n. 长须鲸;
fishbowl n. 玻璃鱼缸;
fisher n. 渔夫;食鱼动物;渔船;捞取者;
fisherman n. 渔夫,渔民;
fishery n. 渔业,水产业;渔场;水产公司;捕鱼权;
fisheye n. 鱼眼石,怀疑的注视;

