

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [stænd] 美音 [stænd]


n. 台,看台;立场;停止;抵抗;

vi. 站立,起立;竖直放置;保持看法;停滞;

vt. 使站立;忍受;抵御;承担责任;

vt.& vi. 站立,(使)直立,站着;


  1. a support or foundation;

    "the base of the lamp"

  2. the position where a thing or person stands

  3. a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area;

    "they cut down a stand of trees"

  4. a small table for holding articles of various kinds;

    "a bedside stand"

  5. a support for displaying various articles;

    "the newspapers were arranged on a rack"

  6. an interruption of normal activity

  7. a mental position from which things are viewed;

    "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"
    "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"

  8. a booth where articles are displayed for sale

  9. a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance;

    "a one-night stand"

  10. tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)

  11. a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air

  12. a defensive effort;

    "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"

  1. be standing; be upright;

    "We had to stand for the entire performance!"

  2. be in some specified state or condition;

    "I stand corrected"

  3. occupy a place or location, also metaphorically;

    "We stand on common ground"

  4. hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright;

    "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"

  5. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

    "I cannot bear his constant criticism"
    "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"
    "he learned to tolerate the heat"
    "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"

  6. have or maintain a position or stand on an issue;

    "Where do you stand on the War?"

  7. remain inactive or immobile;

    "standing water"

  8. be in effect; be or remain in force;

    "The law stands!"

  9. be tall; have a height of; copula;

    "She stands 6 feet tall"

  10. put into an upright position;

    "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"

  11. withstand the force of something;

    "The trees resisted her"
    "stand the test of time"
    "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"

  12. be available for stud services;

    "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"

Rostand n. (Rostand)人名;(法)罗斯唐;
bandstand n. (有顶盖)室外音乐演奏台;
bookstand n. 书架,书摊;
cabstand n. 出租车停车场;
grandstand n. (运动场等的)正面看台;观众; vi. 为博取观众喝彩而卖弄技巧; adj. 看台上的;
handstand n. 倒立;
hardstand n. 可停放车辆飞机等的硬质地面;停机坪;
headstand n. 头手倒立;
inkstand n. 墨水台;
kickstand n. (慢车停车的)支架;
misunderstand vt. 误会,误解;曲解;
newsstand n. 报摊,杂志摊;
nightstand n. 放在床头边的小桌;
outstand v. <古>忍耐;停留;凸出;突出;
standard n. 标准,规格;旗,军旗;度量衡标准;直立支柱; adj. 标准的,合格的;普遍的,一般的;公认为优秀的;
standardbred n. 标准竞赛用马;
standardize vt. 使标准化;用标准校检;
standby n. 备用品;可信赖的人; adj. 备用的; adv. 备用地;待命地;
standee n. 站着看的人,(公共汽车上的)站客;站立的乘客;
standing n. 起立,站立;身份,地位;持续时间; adj. 长期有效的;直立的;固定的; v. 站立;坚持不变;
standoff adj. 冷淡的,有支架的; n. 离岸;避开;僵局;僵持不下;
standoffish adj. <非正>冷淡的,冷漠的;
standout n. 杰出的人; adj. 出色的,杰出的;
standpatter n. 保守分子;
standpipe n. 竖管,管体式水塔;
standpoint n. 立场,观点;
standstill n. 停顿;停止,停滞; adj. 停顿的,停滞的;引起停顿的;造成停滞的;
understand vt.& vi. 懂,理解; vt. 了解;默认;听说;领会;
washstand n. 盥洗盆,脸盆架;
withstand vt. 经受,承受,禁得起;反抗; vi. 反抗;耐得住,禁得起;

forest stand 林分,林段;
micrometer stand 测微计座,千分尺座;
cable stand 电缆架;
stand idle 闲置着,袖手旁观,(工厂)停产;
Stand easy! st. 稍息!;
floor stand 地轴架;
stand by 支持;准备行动;信守诺言;站在旁边;
compensator stand 调整器架;
stand good 依然真实,仍然有效;
spreading stand 宽展机座;
unmixed stand 非混交林;
stand-to-stand variation [医]林分间变异;
cassette stand [医]立式储片夹架;
separation stand [医]血液成份分离架;
collimator stand [医]准直器架;
trolley stand 受电扑座;
stand magnet [医]立式系铁器;
pouring stand 浇铸台;
support stand 支架,支柱;
bed stand [医]试验台;
