

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:16



英音 [kəʊt] 美音 [koʊt]


n. 上衣,外套;

vt. 给…穿上上衣[外套];盖上;


  1. an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors

  2. a thin layer covering something;

    "a second coat of paint"

  3. growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal

  1. put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface;

    "coat the cake with chocolate"

  2. cover or provide with a coat

  3. form a coat over;

    "Dirt had coated her face"

bluecoat n. 穿蓝色衣服或制服的人、警察、士兵;
coatdress n. (前面从领口到下摆有一排钮扣的)女式紧身外衣;
coati n. (中南美洲所产的)长鼻浣熊;
coatimundi n. 长鼻浣熊;
coating n. 涂层,覆盖层;(食品上的)面衣,糖衣,涂料;外衣布料上衣料,细呢,花呢; v. 给…穿上外衣;覆盖;“coat”的现在分词;
coatroom n. 寄物处,衣帽间;
coattail n. (男)上衣后摆,燕尾;
greatcoat n. (厚质的)外套,大衣;
housecoat n. 家常服;
overcoat n. 大衣;外套;保护层,护膜;
petticoat n. 衬裙;
raincoat n. 雨衣;
redcoat adj. 英国军人;
sugarcoat vt. 裹以糖衣,使甜蜜;
surcoat n. 外套,女用外衣;
tailcoat n. 燕尾服;
topcoat n. 夹大衣;
turncoat n. 背叛者,变节者;
undercoat n. (穿在外衣里的)上衣;内涂层;底漆;
waistcoat n. 马甲;背心;

flash coat 闪光焊覆层;
base coat 底漆腻子,头道底漆,中间涂层;
knife coat 刮涂法;
setting coat 精修饰涂层,上涂,表涂;
duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣;
friction coat 耐摩涂层;
spore coat 芽孢外被;
flush coat 磨光层;敷面;
trench coat n. 军用防水短上衣;
floated coat 抹灰层;
bran coat 谷糠,麦麸皮;
first coat 底漆,头道灰;
paint coat 油漆面层;
intermediate coat 二道底漆;
tack coat 粘结层;
nickel coat 包镍,包镍层;
dinner coat n. 男子无尾晚礼服;
blotter coat 吸油层;
gel coat 凝胶涂层;胶衣;
surface coat 表面层;
seal coat 封闭层,封闭底漆;
zinc coat 镀锌,镀锌层;
