

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:16



英音 [ˈsteɪʃn] 美音 [ˈsteʃən]


n. 车站;所,局;身份;电视台;

vt. 配置,安置;驻扎;


  1. a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose;

    "he started looking for a gas station"
    "the train pulled into the station"

  2. proper or designated social situation;

    "he overstepped his place"
    "the responsibilities of a man in his station"
    "married above her station"

  3. (nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty

  4. the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand;

    "a soldier manned the entrance post"
    "a sentry station"

  5. the frequency assigned to a broadcasting station

  1. assign to a station

detestation n. 憎恶,厌恶的人,嫌恶;
encrustation n. 结壳;用覆盖物;镶嵌;硬壳;
gestation n. 怀孕;怀孕期;(思想、主意等的)构思、酝酿;孕育(过程);
gustation n. 尝味,味觉;
incrustation n. 结硬壳;用外壳包;沉淀;结壳;
manifestation n. 表示,显示;示威;
outstation n. 远的驻扎地,分部办事处;
protestation n. (严正的)声明;
stationary adj. 不动的,固定的;静止的,不变的;常备军的;定居的; n. 不动的人;驻军;固定物;
stationer n. 文具店店主;
stationery n. 文具;办公用品;信纸,信封;文房四宝;
stationmaster n. 站长;
substation n. 变电站,变电所;
superstation n. 特大功率电台,强力电台;
workstation n. 工作站;

station-to-station adj. 叫号电话的; adv. 自一站至另一站地,以电话叫号价格;
print station station 印刷台;
station to station call n. 叫号电话;
station error 测站误差;
sending station 发射台,发报台,发送电台;
station location 无线电台位置;
petrol station n. 加油站;
work station 工作点;
aid station n. 战地救护站;
station peg 测站标桩;
signal station n. 通信站,信号站;
station-to-station call 局间通话;
station to station transport 站到站运输;
telemetry station 遥测站;
nursing station [医]护理办公室;
loran station [电] 长程航行测位雷达电台;
latitude station 纬度站;
seismograph station 地震台站;
