英音 [si:k] 美音 [sik]
vt. 寻找,探寻;追求,谋求;往或朝…而去;[废语]考察;
vi. 查找,查寻;找一找;
"seek a position"
"seek an education"
"seek happiness"
"The police are searching for clues"
"They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
"He tried to shake off his fears"
"The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"
"The police attempted to stop the thief"
"He sought to improve himself"
"She always seeks to do good in the world"
"a liquid seeks its own level"
"seek directions from a local"
seeker n. 搜索者,探求者;搜查人;自动导引的弹头;
seek publicity 求名,存心想出风头;
seek redress v. 要求赔偿,寻求解决办法;
goal seek n. 单变量求解;
seek through v. 搜查遍;
seek sanctuary 寻求庇护;
seek time n. 寻道时间;
seek out 找出;物色;找到;
seek instruction 查找指令;
seek for 寻求, 探求;企求;骛;
seek after 寻求,追求;
seek scope for 寻求发挥…的机会;
seek stem [医]种茎;
seek characteristic [计] 查找特性;
seek error 查找误差;
table seek [计] 表查找;
seek profits 营利;
seek rate [计] 查找率,查找速度;