

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:21



英音 [fəʊn] 美音 [foʊn]


n. 电话;听筒;(发声或使用声音的)工具;说某种语言的;

vt.& vi. 打电话(给某人);


  1. electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds;

    "I talked to him on the telephone"

  2. (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language

  3. electro-acoustic transducer for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear;

    "it was not the typing but the earphones that she disliked"

  1. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone;

    "I tried to call you all night"
    "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"

-phone 声音;使用某种语言的(人);电话;
Anglophone n. 讲英语的人;
Dictaphone n. 录音机,口授留声机;
Francophone adj.& n. 说法语的(人);
Persephone n. <希神>珀尔塞福涅(宙斯之女,被冥王劫持娶作冥后);
Picturephone n. 电视电话;
Tisiphone n. <希神><罗神>底西福涅(司复仇的三女神之一);
allophone n. 音位变体;
earphone n. 耳机,听筒;
geophone n. 地震检波器,地音探听器;听地器;
gramophone n. 留声机;
headphone n. 戴在头上的收话器,双耳式耳机;听筒;
heckelphone n. (比双簧管低八度的)黑克尔管;
homophone n. 同音异义词;
hydrophone n. 水中听音器,水诊器,检漏器;
megaphone n. 扩音器;
mellophone n. 美乐号(一种类似法国号的中音萨克号);
metallophone n. 金属木琴;
microphone n. 扩音器,麦克风;话筒;
phonematic adj. 音位(尤指音段音位)的,音位学的;
phoneme n. 音位,音素;
phonemic adj. 音素的,音位的;
phonemics n. 音位学(尤指音段音位学);
phonetic adj. 语音的;语音学的;音形一致的;表示语音的;
phonetician n. 语言学者;
phonetics n. 语音(学);发音学;语音学;
phoney adj. 假的,伪造的,不诚恳的;虚伪的,伪善的; n. 骗子;假货;膺品;
polyphone n. 多音字,自动换片唱机的一种;
radiophone n. 无线电话,光线电话机;
radiotelephone n. 无线电话; v. 打无线电话;
saxophone n. [乐]萨克斯管;
sousaphone n. 大号;
speakerphone n. 喇叭扩音器;
telephone n. 电话;电话机;(电话机的)话筒;受话器; vt.& vi. 以电话传送(消息),给(某人)打电话;用电话与(某人)交谈;
vibraphone n. 电颤琴;
videophone n. 可视电话,电视电话,视像电话;
xylophone n. 木琴;

phone book n. 电话簿;
phone operator 电话接线员,话务员;
car phone n. 汽车电话,汽车无线电话;
feature phone 特色电话机;
phone cord 听筒软线;
instrumental phone 仪器鉴定的语音;
pay phone n. 投币式公用电话;
phone meter 通话次数计,测声计;
phone up <英,非正>(给某人)打电话;
phone-in n. (电台或电视台的)听众可来电话的直播节目;
ringmagnet phone 环形磁铁听筒;
-phone 声音;使用某种语言的(人);电话;
phone plug [电] 听筒插头;
speaker-phone 扬声器电话;
mirror-phone 磁录音机;
data-phone 数据电话;
catch phone [医]优先通话(占线时可立即接通的电话);
phone tapping [法] 窃听电话;
laryngo phone [医]喉头送话器;
code phone 保密电话;
head phone 头挂听筒;
