

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:28



英音 [həʊl] 美音 [hoʊl]


n. 洞,孔;洞穴,穴;缺陷;<口>绝境;

vt.& vi. (在…上)打洞或穿孔;

vi. 凿洞;(高尔夫球等)进洞;


  1. an opening into or through something

  2. an opening deliberately made in or through something

  3. one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course;

    "he played 18 holes"

  4. an unoccupied space

  5. a depression hollowed out of solid matter

  6. a fault;

    "he shot holes in my argument"

  7. informal terms for a difficult situation;

    "he got into a terrible fix"
    "he made a muddle of his marriage"

  8. informal terms for the mouth

  1. hit the ball into the hole

  2. make holes in

armhole n. 袖孔;
asshole n. 屁眼儿;〈俗〉肛门;令人讨厌的人;
blowhole n. (鲸头顶的)呼吸孔;(供海豹等呼吸的)冰窟窿;铸孔;
bolthole n. 能躲避危险的地方;
borehole n. 地上凿洞;
bunghole n. 桶孔;
buttonhole n. 钮扣孔; vt. 强迫听或谈;
chuckhole n. 马路上的坑或凹处;
cubbyhole n. 舒适的地方,文件架;
dhole n. (产于印度的一种)凶猛的野犬;猱犬;
eyehole n. 眼窝,小孔;
foxhole n. 散兵坑;
hawsehole n. 锚链孔;
hellhole n. 充满腐败、堕落、危害的地方;
holey adj. 有穴的,多洞的;
keyhole n. 锁眼,钥匙孔;
kneehole n. 桌下可容双膝的地方;
knothole n. (木板等的)节孔;
loophole n. 漏洞;枪眼;观察孔;
manhole n. 人孔,检修孔;探孔;入孔;进人孔;
peephole n. 窥视孔;
pesthole n. 易发生传染病的场所,瘟疫区;
pigeonhole n. 鸽舍出入口;小房间;文件架上的小间隔; vt. 把…搁在分类架上;把…留在记忆中;缓办;把…隔成小格;
pinhole n. 针孔,小孔;
porthole n. 舷窗;
posthole n. 地上所掘的插旗杆或电线用的洞;浅油井;
pothole n. 壶穴;
sinkhole n. 污水池;
stokehole n. 炉膛口,生火间;炉前;
thole n. 桨架,钉桨架的钉; v. <英方>忍受,<古>有耐心;
thumbhole n. 供塞入拇指的孔;
touchhole n. (旧式炮的)火门;
whole adj. 全部的,所有的;完整的; n. 整体,整个;全部;
wormhole n. 虫孔,蛀洞;

hole flanging 孔翻边,翻孔;
grout hole 灌浆孔;
hole basis 基孔制;
top-hole adj. 最上等的,第一流的;
hole table 空白表;
port hole 舷窗;
limiting hole 限流孔;
deviation hole 偏斜井;
check hole 核证导坑;
gear hole 齿轮孔;
thru hole 透眼,透孔,通孔;
balance hole 平衡孔;
entry hole 入口;
exhaust hole 排气孔;
suction hole 吸气孔;
ventilation hole 通风孔,风眼;
plant hole 植穴;
mounting hole 安装孔,固定孔;
dowel hole 定缝销钉孔;
reamed hole [化] 铰孔;
bleed hole 放气孔,排泄口;
feeding hole 进料口;
