英音 [dʒɒb] 美音 [dʒɑb]
n. (一件)工作;职责;职业;(作为一个单元处理的)作业;
vt. 承包;代客买卖;
vi. 做零工;作包工;打杂;
"he's not in my line of business"
"estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"
"the job of repairing the engine took several hours"
"the endless task of classifying the samples"
"the farmer's morning chores"
"on the job"
"he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right"
"it is their job to print the truth"
"she did an outstanding job as Ophelia"
"he gave it up as a bad job"
"dry rot did the job of destroying the barn"
"the barber did a real job on my hair"
"she and her husband are having problems"
"it is always a job to contact him"
"urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog"
"the gang pulled off a bank job in St. Louis"
"As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks"
"I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"
jobber n. 做零活的人;营私舞弊者;<史>股票经纪人;证券交易商;
jobbery n. 假公济私;
jobholder n. 有固定工作的人;公务员;
jobless adj. 没有工作的,失业的;与失业有关的; n. 失业者(与the 连用);
Job n. (一件)工作;职责;职业;(作为一个单元处理的)作业; vt. 承包;代客买卖; vi. 做零工;作包工;打杂;
Job's comforter n. 增加对方痛苦的安慰者;
job instruction 生产说明书,施工说明书,工程说明书;
job displacement 裁员;
job study 工时分析;
job site 施工现场;
Job Title 职别;
job holder 国家职员,固定工作者;
job family 工作束;同类职业;
Job's post n. 报噩耗者;
good job n. 好运,事业发达;
Job syndrome [医]乔布综合征,葡萄球菌脓肿白肤红发湿疹综合征;
job behavior [计] 作业特性,作业状态;
job ticket [经] 工作(作业)票;
job number 施工[工程]号码;
job spoiler 破坏团体者;
job family 工作束;同类职业;
job control 作业控制程序;
concurrent job [计] 并行作业;
job design 工作设计;作业设计;
job discipline [法] 劳动纪律;