

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:40



英音 [ˈprezɪdənt] 美音 [ˈprɛzɪdənt,-ˌdɛnt]


n. 校长;总统;总裁;董事长;


  1. an executive officer of a firm or corporation

  2. the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government;

    "the President likes to jog every morning"

  3. the chief executive of a republic

  4. the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization;

    "address your remarks to the chairperson"

  5. the head administrative officer of a college or university

  6. the office of the United States head of state;

    "a President is elected every four years"

presidential adj. 总统[总裁,议长,董事长,校长等](职务)的;统辖的,支配的,监督的,指挥的;总统制的;有总统气派的;

honorary president 名誉主席;
assistant president 总裁助理;
vice-president n. 副总裁,副校长;
slalom president 回旋裁判长;
vice president n. 副总统(或大学副校长等);
ex-president n. 前任总统;
president-elect n. 已当选而尚未就职的总统,总统当选人;
president of raiway 铁路总经理;
office of the president n. 总统府;
adviser to the President 总统顾问;
president of the jury 主裁判;
fed president [经] 联邦储备局主席;
preceding president [法] 前任总统;
caretaker president [法] 临时总统;
incumbent president [法] 在职总统;
president elect [法] 当选总统,当选的下届议长,会长;
life president (尤指非洲的)终身总统;
president of law court 法庭庭长;
