

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:10



英音 [bɜ:n] 美音 [bɜrn]


vt.& vi.& link-v. (使)燃烧;

vt.& vi. 使用某物为燃料;烧毁;烧坏;烧伤;

n. 烧伤,烧痕;


  1. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire

  2. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun

  3. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation

  4. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)

  5. damage inflicted by fire

  1. destroy by fire;

    "They burned the house and his diaries"

  2. shine intensely, as if with heat;

    "The coals were glowing in the dark"
    "The candles were burning"

  3. undergo combustion;

    "Maple wood burns well"

  4. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort;

    "The sun burned his face"

  5. cause to burn or combust;

    "The sun burned off the fog"
    "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"

  6. feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion;

    "She was burning with anger"
    "He was burning to try out his new skies"

  7. cause to undergo combustion;

    "burn garbage"
    "The car burns only Diesel oil"

  8. burn at the stake;

    "Witches were burned in Salem"

  9. spend (significant amounts of money);

    "He has money to burn"

  10. feel hot or painful;

    "My eyes are burning"

  11. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent;

    "The surgeon cauterized the wart"

  12. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun

  13. create by duplicating data;

    "cut a disk"
    "burn a CD"

  14. use up (energy);

    "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"

  15. burn with heat, fire, or radiation;

    "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"

Auburn adj. 赤褐色的;红褐色的; n. 赤褐色;红褐色;
Bannockburn 班诺克本(苏格兰中部一镇,位于格拉斯哥东北偏北的班诺克河畔,该河为福斯河的一个支流。1314年6月23日,布鲁斯的罗伯特在此打败了爱德华二世领导下的英国军队 );
Blackburn [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 布莱克本住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“黑的+溪流”(black+stream);[地名] [澳大利亚、美国、英国] 布莱克本;
Cliburn [人名] 克莱本;[地名] [英国] 克利本;
Hepburn 赫伯恩(姓氏; James Curtis, 1815-1911,美国传教士,医生,语言学家, Hepburn 式日语罗马字拼法创始人);
Raeburn [人名] [苏格兰人姓氏] 雷伯恩住所名称,来源于北方中世纪英语,含义是“雄狍+溪流”(roebuck+stream);
Rayburn [人名] 雷伯恩;[地名] [美国] 雷本;
Woburn [地名] [美国、新西兰] 沃本;[地名] [英国] 沃本(乌邦);
auburn adj. 赤褐色的;红褐色的; n. 赤褐色;红褐色;
burner n. 炉子,燃烧器;(火炉、煤油灯等的)灯口;烧制者;灯光;
burnet n. 地榆, (蔷薇科)地榆属植物;一种日间活动的斑蛾科飞蛾;棕黑粗呢;
burning adj. 燃烧的;发热的;急切的;(欲望等)炽烈的; v. 燃烧(burn的现在分词);使用某物为燃料;
burnish vt. 擦亮(金属等),磨光; vi. 被擦亮,磨光; n. 光泽,光亮,抛光;
burnoose n. <美>(阿拉伯等人穿的)带有包头巾的呢斗篷;
burnout n. 烧毁;烧坏;筋疲力尽;筋疲力尽的人;
burnsides n. 伯恩赛德式连鬓胡子(指下巴剃净、唇上和两腮留的长而密的胡子);
burnt adj. 烧坏的;烧伤的;烫伤的;灼伤的; v. (使)燃烧( burn的过去式和过去分词 );使用某物为燃料;烧毁;烧坏;
heartburn n. 心痛,妒忌;胃灼热;
sunburn n. 晒伤,晒太阳过量而引起皮肤灼痛;
windburn n. 吹风引起的皮肤炎,风造成的树皮或树叶损伤;风害;

burn together 熔合;
burn daylight v. 白日点灯,无益;多此一举;徒劳无功;
electric burn 电烧伤;
burn cream 烧伤膏;
kiln burn 窑干褐变;
burn out v. 烧尽;熄灭;耗尽体力;筋疲力尽;
burn into v. 烧进,使深印于;
burn off 烧掉,蒸发;
clean burn 烧除,全烧;
controlled burn 控制的燃烧;
burn to 因烧焦而粘附于器皿的里边;
burn daylight v. 白日点灯,无益;多此一举;徒劳无功;
cross burn [医][荧光屏]对角线烧毁;
moderate burn 中度烧伤;
Kromayer's burn 克罗迈尔灼伤;
burn out v. 烧尽;熄灭;耗尽体力;筋疲力尽;
burn-off 烧化;雾消;熔落;烧除;
freeze burn 冻结瞥伤;
burn cancer [医]灼伤癌;
contact burn 接触烧伤;
solar burn 太阳热伤;
burn-up n. 烧掉;
