

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:39



英音 [breɪn] 美音 [bren]


n. 脑;智慧;聪明的人;(群体中)最聪明的人;

vt. 打破…的脑袋;打…的头部;


  1. that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord

  2. mental ability;

    "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense"

  3. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason;

    "his mind wandered"
    "I couldn't get his words out of my head"

  4. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality;

    "Mozart was a child genius"
    "he's smart but he's no Einstein"

  5. the brain of certain animals used as meat

  1. hit on the head

  2. kill by smashing someone's skull

betweenbrain n. 间脑;
birdbrain n. <俚>愚蠢,轻佻的人;
braincase n. 脑壳;
brainchild n. 脑力劳动的产物;独创的观念,点子;
brainish adj. 任性的,冲动的;
brainless adj. 无头脑的,愚笨的;
brainpan n. 头盖;
brainpower n. 智能,智囊,智囊团;智士;
brainsick adj. 神精错乱的,疯狂的,有脑病的;
brainstorm n. <英><非正> 脑猝病;计上心头;突来的灵感;集体研讨; vt. 集中各人智慧猛攻;
brainstorming n. 头脑风暴;集思广益;
brainteaser n. 难题,谜;
brainwash vt. <贬>对…进行洗脑,把某种思想强加于,通过宣传灌输说服; n. 洗脑;
brainwashing n. 洗脑; v. <贬>对…进行洗脑,把某种思想强加于,通过宣传灌输说服( brainwash的现在分词 );
brainwork n. 脑力劳动;
brainworker n. 脑力劳动者;
brainy adj. 有头脑的,聪明的,多智的;
crackbrain n. 傻子,疯子,无理性的人;
endbrain n. 端脑,终脑;
featherbrain n. 愚蠢的人,轻浮的人;
forebrain n. 前脑,壮年人发达的脑部;
hindbrain n. 脑的最后部,后脑;菱脑;
interbrain n. 间脑;
lamebrain n. 笨蛋,呆子;
midbrain n. 中脑;
scatterbrain n. 注意力不集中的人;

mechanical brain 人工脑;
feather brain 愚蠢的人,轻浮的人;
brain mapping 脑电图;
brain hormones 脑激素;
giant brain 大型电子计算机;
brain hemispheres 大脑两半球;
electronic brain “电脑”电子计算机;电猫;
brain rudiment 脑原基;
brain stem 脑干;
robot brain “电脑”,自动计算机,机器人脑;
brain work 动脑子;
brain activity 大脑活动;
brain operation 劈脑手术;
brain scissors [医]脑剪;
chicken brain [医]鸡脑;
brain surgery 脑外科;
sand brain [医]脑沙;
electronic brain “电脑”电子计算机;电猫;
brain clip [医]脑夹;
brain case n. 头盖骨,脑壳;
robot brain “电脑”,自动计算机,机器人脑;
