

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:20



英音 [vest] 美音 [vest]


n. 马甲;防护衣;内衣;(印有运动员编号的)运动背心;

vi. 合法地被授予;给自己装上教服;

vt. 授权;赋予;穿衣服,穿教服;


  1. a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat

  2. a collarless men's undergarment for the upper part of the body

  1. provide with power and authority;

    "They vested the council with special rights"

  2. place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons;

    "She vested her vast fortune in her two sons"

  3. become legally vested;

    "The property vests in the trustees"

  4. clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments

  5. clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes

devest v. 剥夺,褫夺(财产、权利等);
divest vt. 剥夺;脱去(衣服);2。从…取去…;1。(给某人)脱衣服;
harvest n. 收割;收获季节;收成;结果; vt.& vi. 收割,收成; vt. 收到;收割(庄稼),捕猎(动物、鱼);
invest vt.& vi. 投资;花费; vt. 授予,使就职;给…穿衣,装饰;使充满;覆盖;
reinvest vt. 再投资于,再授给;
revest vt. 再赋予,重新投资;
undervest n. 内衣,<英>贴身衣;
vestal adj. 女灶神的,贞洁的,处女的; n. 处女,修女;
vested adj. 既定的;
vestee n. 背心形衣着,装饰布;
vestiary adj. 衣服的,服装的; n. 衣帽间,藏衣室;
vestibular adj. 门厅的,门口走廊的,前庭的;
vestibule n. 门厅;前厅;<美>火车车厢末端的连廊;<解>前庭; vt. 为…设置门廊;以通廊连接;
vestige n. 遗迹;退化的器官;残余部分;毫不;
vestigia [医](单vestigium)遗迹,剩件,剩余;
vestigial adj. 残留的,残余的,退化的;
vestigium [医] 遗迹,剩件,剩余;
vesting n. (雇工)保留退休金的权利;
vestment n. 礼仪服装;(尤指牧师的)法衣;圣衣;祭服;
vestry n. 小礼拜室;
vestryman n. 教区会成员,教区委员;
vesture n. <文,诗>衣服;覆盖物,<律>地面生长物(树林除外); vt. <古>给…穿衣服,笼罩;

vest-pocket adj. 适于装入内衣口袋的,袖珍的;
vest with v. 授与某人财产,权力,所有权;
life vest n. 救生衣;
vest in v. 授予,归属于;
string vest n. 网眼背心;
bullet-proof vest n. 防弹衣;
undershirt under vest n. 汗衫;
pull down one's vest v. 多管自己;从容不迫;
play close to the vest v. 把…保守秘密;
vest-pocket adj. 适于装入内衣口袋的,袖珍的;
bulletproof vest [医]防弹背心;
stabproof vest 防刺背心;
knit vest 针织背心;
knitted vest 针织背心;
life vest n. 救生衣;
armoured vest 防弹背心;
vest with v. 授与某人财产,权力,所有权;
survival vest [医]救生背心;
vest in v. 授予,归属于;
safety vest 安全背包;
