

词库    2019-03-05 18:21:14



英音 [lɪp] 美音 [lɪp]


n. 嘴唇;(杯,壶等的)口,边缘;〈俚〉无理的回答;〈美〉律师;

adj. 唇的;口头上的;唇音的;

vt. 用嘴唇接触;接吻;〈俚〉轻轻地说,唱;把高尔夫球打到穴边而未进去;


  1. either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking

  2. (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx

  3. an impudent or insolent rejoinder;

    "don't give me any of your sass"

  4. the top edge of a vessel or other container

  5. either the outer margin or the inner margin of the aperture of a gastropod's shell

lip- pref. 表示“脂肪的”之义(用于元音之前的);
lipase n. 脂肪酶;
lipectomy n. 脂肪切除;
lipid n. <生化>脂质;
lipo- [医] 脂仿,肥胖,缺乏,无;
lipoid n. 类脂; adj. 类脂的;
lipolysis n. 脂解(作用);
lipoma n. 脂肪瘤;
lipophilic adj. 亲脂性的;
lipopolysaccharide n. 脂多糖;
lipoprotein n. <生化>脂蛋白;
liposome n. 脂质体;
liposuction 脂肪抽吸[术];
lipotropic adj. 抗脂肪肝的;
lipotropin n. 促脂素;
lipstick n. 口红;唇膏; vt. 涂口红于; vi. 涂口红;

lip- pref. 表示“脂肪的”之义(用于元音之前的);
LIP n. 嘴唇;(杯,壶等的)口,边缘;〈俚〉无理的回答;〈美〉律师; adj. 唇的;口头上的;唇音的; vt. 用嘴唇接触;接吻;〈俚〉轻轻地说,唱;把高尔夫球打到穴边而未进去;
lip loss 进口边缘损失;
ventral lip 腹唇;
gastrular lip 胚孔唇;
entrance lip 进刃,引进刃;
lip language n. 唇语;
lip rouge 口红;
cleft lip n. 唇裂,兔唇;裂唇;
lip clearance 钻缘隙角;
lip-deep adj. 空白的,表面上的,不诚实的;
lip ring 炉顶钢圈,炉头钢圈;
lip entropion 唇内翻;
lip line 唇线;
lip-biting 咬唇症;
lip seal 唇边式密封;唇成密封;唇式密封;唇形密封;
lip key 唇键;
lip-guided 挡边导向,挡边引导;
lip surface 前面,(刀具的)前刃面;
lip flowerde 唇形花的;
