

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:28



英音 [ɒd] 美音 [ɑd]


adj. 古怪的;奇数的;剩余的;临时的;

n. 奇特的事物;怪人;[高尔夫球]多于对方的一次击球;


  1. not divisible by two

  2. not easily explained;

    "it is odd that his name is never mentioned"

  3. an indefinite quantity more than that specified;

    "invited 30-odd guests"

  4. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected;

    "a curious hybrid accent"
    "her speech has a funny twang"
    "they have some funny ideas about war"
    "had an odd name"
    "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"
    "something definitely queer about this town"
    "what a rum fellow"
    "singular behavior"

  5. of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.

  6. not used up;

    "leftover meatloaf"
    "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"
    "some odd dollars left"
    "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"
    "unexpended provisions"

oddball adj. 古怪的; n. 古怪的人;
oddish adj. 有点怪的;
oddity n. 奇特,奇异;怪癖;怪人,怪事;
oddment n. 碎屑;
odds n. 希望,可能性;几率,胜算;掣肘的事情;逆境;

odd dates 在期货市场上的非标准交易日;
odd triangle 奇三角形;
odd parts 多余零件,废零件,残留物;
odd mumber 奇数;
twenty-odd 二十多个;
odd function 奇函数;
odd thread 奇螺纹;
odd power 奇数幂;
odd job n. 零工,零活儿;
odd state 奇宇状,奇态;
odd page n. 奇数页;
odd-odd [计] 奇-奇的;
odd-odd element [化] 奇奇元素;
odd-odd nucleus 奇奇核;
odd fish n. <口>古怪的人,怪人;
odd symmetric [计] 奇对称的;
odd permutation 奇排列,奇置换;
odd harmonic [电] 奇数谐波;
odd color [医]杂(毛)色;
odd symmetry 奇对称;
odd labor 临时工;
